Monday, 2 May 2011

Look again at the TV listing which you analysed for the section on effects theory.

What evidence of audience uses and gratifications in consuming media texts can you see from this analysis?

Uses and gratifications suggest that the audience is active and therefore chooses what media to consume. Each individual has reasoning’s behind choosing the media they consume and are therefore entitled to this.

Main reasons to consume media, according to Katz and Blumler (1974):
1. diversion
2. personal relationships
3. personal identity
4. surveillance

Main reasons to consume media, according to Denis MaQuail:
1. information
2. learning
3. personal identity
4. integration and social interaction
5. entertainment

Criticisms of the uses and gratifications theory:
1. too simplistic
2. its hard to explain why the audience like something
3. channel hopping occurs
4. we only consume from what is available to us
5. depends on the socio-economic situation of the audience

What the TV listing offers:
1. variety of programmes e.g. soaps, films, live sports
2. lots of genres e.g. comedy, soap, horror
3. different viewing times for busy audiences
4. sections of TV available e.g. Freeview, Sky and Virgin TV

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